Our goal is to raise money to fund and support a new organization every month. This money will be used in a variety of different ways, such as to fund motivational speakers or to support emotional  wellness programs at schools. There are current organizations who are already engaging activities and events for which we can also help support and fund. There really is no limit to what we can do to strengthen and unify our society. 

Who Are We?

Hello! My name is Niki Singh and I am the founder of OK TO BE ME.  I am currently a senior at Lake Forest High School and am incredibly  thankful to be able to share, promote, and fulfill my, and many others', ideas of community outreach using this organization. I was born into an Indian-American, Sikh family, and integrate both Indian and American culture into my life, which ultimately makes me who I am. I am an avid musician and songwriter and find music and art to be therapeutic outlets to express myself. 

Growing up,  I've struggled with not only accepting myself for who I am, but also with being proud of it. Over time, I've come to realize that everybody has their own insecurities, struggles, and imperfections.  It is so easy to look at someone we think of as "perfect" and not realize that they too have their own hills to climb. I hope that with OK TO BE ME,  we can continue to spread this message while we help other organizations thrive.

What Is Our Plan?

Welcome to OK TO BE ME! Thank you so much for joining us in our mission to raise awareness and support other organizations that address mental health, social injustice, and self discovery. It is more crucial than ever to not just point out the holes in our society, but to find ways to fill them up. Together, we can make our communities stronger than ever before,  one person at a time.  Each and every one of us matters!